Mentorship and coaching to bridge the gap between job seekers and job market
How to become employable and what the employers are looking for
Transferring Professional Skills
Networking between potential employers and job seekers
Developing a social support structure and network for unemployed youth
To equip students from previously disadvantaged communities at historically disadvantaged Higher Education (HE) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions with information and skills to enter the job market.
To mentor and coach students from previously disadvantaged communities at HDI and TVET, in technical and practical skills including ICT required by industry
To create a networking and recruitment platform which brings employers and job seekers together
To instill a culture of professional work ethics among students and job seekers. To support and accelerate individual professional career development.
To develop work-related skills and strengthen individual competitiveness at the workplace
Develop future leaders and provide a sustainable pipeline of talent to the food industry.