114 Graskop Road, Waterkloof Heights, South Africa
+27 12 542 1192

Cleaning Service

FoodBev has gone into a strategic and technical partnership with cleaning and disinfection food grade chemical manufacturing companies and testing laboratories to offer practical cleaning solutions to our clients. With our expertise and knowledge in cleaning and sanitation in the food industry, we are able to provide skills and knowledge to food handlers, supervisors, inspectors, managers etc. to understand the requirements for effective cleaning and sanitation, and ensure they understand their responsibilities with regards to the health and safety of consumers.
The aim of our training and consulting programmes is to provide a sound understanding and practical knowledge of the cleaning and sanitation requirements for food premises. We have the expertise to guide clients from various food related industries through the requirements for cleaning and sanitation that includes training, documenting and practically implementing a cleaning programme, how to practically carry out the cleaning activities, and auditing of the cleaning and sanitation programme. The training and consulting programme is focused on the control of Listeria, which consequently ensures control of all other foodborne pathogens.

Cleaning and sanitation in the food industry is one of the most important food safety requirements for hygienic production and processing of food that is fit and safe for human consumption. It is an important Pre-requisite Programme (PRP) which is a requirement of both national and international standards based on Good Manufacturing and Catering Practices (GMP/GCP), that include: SANS 10049, HACCP (SANS 10330), ISO 22000 or FSSC 22000. Most companies face numerous challenges in implementing effective cleaning and sanitation programmes. This is mainly due to lack of training and poor understanding on the importance of good hygiene and adequate cleaning and sanitation, especially among the workforce. Most cases of food poisoning like salmonella, E. coli and listeria are associated with poor hygiene from inadequate cleaning and sanitation. South Africa experienced the largest documented listeria outbreak where more than 1060 confirmed cases and about 216 deaths were reported between 01 January 2017 and 20 June 2018. Under the new R638 Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters published on 22 June 2018, it is a requirement that food premises follow the specific instructions presented in the regulations on the cleaning & sanitation of equipment and the premises to ensure protection of the public and to minimize the chances of food contamination or food poisoning. FoodBev International Consulting (Pty) Ltd offers bespoke training and consulting for cleaning and sanitation that covers all the areas of food production.


• Biofilm (a bacterial film) is a mixture of different micro-organisms that are held together and protected by glue-like materials (carbohydrates). The glue-like material that micro-organisms secrete allows them to attach themselves to surfaces.

• Biofilm formation in food production areas is a sign that sanitation procedures are inadequate and can become the potential root cause for reduction of shelf life and pathogenic contamination of food products.

• Biofilms on food contact surfaces are usually multispecies; both disease-causing and non disease-causing bacteria. Common micro-organisms in biofilms include:

  1. Listeria

  2. Pseudomonas

  3. Bacillus

  4. Salmonella

  5. Campylobacter

  6. Escherichia coli

Course Overview

Awareness on R638 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act No. 54 of 1972 Regulations Governing General Hygiene requirements for Food premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters with respect to Cleaning and Sanitation.
Listeria Prevention and Control including Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in Food Processing and other Food Handling Facilities.